Culinary Experience

Rialto Marketplace and Venetian Chef: an exciting Cooking Experience

Rialto the most famous bridge of Venice and one the most ancient european marketplace for food and spices. Here, with a Venetian Chef, we will visit the historical market and buy all the necessary ingredients for your culinary experiences. After our shopping we’ll make a little walking tour following the foodies roots of “Ombra e cicheti” (a glass of wine and street food) a Venetian ritual that you will live like a local. After that exciting walk, we’ll join our Chef in an historical Venetian Palace were you’ll start your culinary experience. The theme of the class will be the delicacies of Venetian street food, the so called “cicheti”. You will prepare the dishes with the Chef and you’ll taste them pairing with a personal wine selection of Mauro, Venice and wine.


9,30 am Visit of Rialto marketplace with a local Chef
10,30 am Discover walk based on “street food” theme with stop in historical
12,30 am Start of the cooking experience, you will learn how to prepare Venetian
“cicheti” in a historic, elegant Venetian Palace
2,30 pm Lunch Tasting with the dishes prepared and the paired with a special wine
selection of the sommelier of Mauro Venice and wine, Mauro Businaro
5,00 pm At the end of your cooking experience, we will leave you the recipe folder


Тур организован при технической и организационной поддержке лучших туристических агентов.